Monday, February 25, 2008

Card #2

Card ahoy!!! Card #2 for the weekend was for one of my man's workmates who was turning 30. (He tells me on Friday night after I've already been to the store and
 picked up supplies, and we need it for Saturday arvo!) So this resulted in a dash to store once again on Saturday afternoon on our way home. after us both getting hair cuts and colours. I was out of my comfort zone. I find Male cards hard enough to make and then once we get home he puts the pressure just a little bit more and and says it has to be "rough". Rough? What does he mean by rough?
And if that's not enough pressure, my man oversaw the whole design and construction of this card. As I pulled out a piece of black ribbon I was told, "don't make it girly". Eventually he was happy with what I (we) came up with.
I think after the man's contribution on this one I reckon I could make a scrapper out of him yet!
Thankfully the card was recieved with great enthusiasm, (I found out that my man has been talking my work up to his mates at work), once he opened it he said, "This is going straight into my computer room, it would be the pool room if 
I had one". 
This coming from a blokey bloke, I must have done an alright job.

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